Burnt Bridge Mission Exhibition
Mabel Ritchie is a Dunghutti woman who grew up at Burnt Bridge Mission as a child. Mabel has some difficulty with communication and struggles to make herself understood, however through her painting she speaks volumes.
Mabel’s works explore childhood memories of growing up on the mission.
Her work is exhilarating and honest as she uses a variety of techniques building up surface design with line and texture through applications of bold colours.
Mabel has been painting since 2009 at a Disability Workshop known as ‘Living Skills’ and now enjoys telling her own stories through her artwork.
Mabel has been involved in Exhibitions as follows:2011
Dunghutti Ngaku Aboriginal Art GallerySaltwater Freshwater Festival
Wollotuka Acquisitive Art Prize – Newcastle
30 x 30 Exhibitions DNAAG
Crescent Head Art Prize 3rd
International Indigenous Women’s Day Exhibition DNAAG
Sydney Opera House, Jabidi Silk Canvas Launch
Naidoc Week Exhibition at Gladstone MV Gallery
Burnt Bridge Exhibition
Kempsey Art Prize
International Indigenous Women’s Day Exhibition DNAAG
Naidoc Week Exhibition DNAAG
Fisher’s Ghost Art Award, Campbelltown Arts Centre
Solo Exhibition DNAAG
Recipient Delineate Don’tDISMyAbility
Display at launch of Don’tDISMyAbility
Travelling Burnt Bridge Mission Exhibition Armidale Aboriginal Cultural Centre & Keeping Place & Yarrawarra Aboriginal Cultural Centre